Summer at the Hörnlihütte – Matterhorn base camp

Have you ever wondered how a summer in a mountain hut looks like? It’s not just a life in an extraordinary scenery, It’s also a logistical challenge and full of unforgettable stories.

Throw back to the summer 2017 on the mountain hut Hörnlihütte. Discover how an ordinary summer looks like and what mountaineers can expect on their ascent to the Matterhorn.

The Hörnlihütte is a traditional Swiss mountain hut and is the starting point for alpinists to climb the Matterhorn via the Hörnli and Zmutt ridge, or via the North face.

July: The crew is ready

The crew of the mountain hut is motivated and the basement is filled up with food for the upcoming season.

The basements are being filled up by the help of helicopters of the Air Zermatt.

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The way from Schwarzsee up to the Hörnlihütte – a beautiful hike!

A normal morning at the hut: Climbers wake up and get ready to climb the Matterhorn. On the way up the enjoy a stunning sunrise and the beauty of nature.

August: “Hurry up, the mountaineers are hungry”

7 PM – Soup is on the way

7.15 PM – Main course is prepared

7.45 PM – Enjoy the dessert

Some dessert highlights above Zermatt at 3’260 m.

Catering at the Matterhorn base camp Hörnlihütte
© Hörnlihütte

Some snow – view from the Italian side – sunrise and climbers at the top of the Matterhorn.

Mountaineers on the top of the Matterhorn
Mountaineers on the top of the Matterhorn © Hörnlihütte

September: Let it snow

There is always something to do, even when it’s snowing… 🙂

One of the last sunrises and Matterhorn-Rösti of the Summer season 2017 at Matterhorn’s base camp.

“Thank you all, it was a blast – take care and see you next summer”

  1. Hi, Team Berg! This hut looks amazing! Photos are breathtaking, I`m sure they will motivate more people to come here and enjoy climbing, hiking, and atmosphere. What do you think is the best way to promote places like this, besides sharing great experiences?

  2. Hi. I’m Yukie from Japan. Thank you for nice pictures and helpful information
    I’m planning to go hiking to Hornlihutte from Schwarzee in the first half of July 2019. I’m concerned about the trail condition such as ice, snowpack and weather during the period. Could I have any information or suggestion about it?

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