How to train for… Matterhorn Ultraks – Part two.

One week to go

The race is getting closer and closer, it’s just one week to go. Where has all the time gone?
Once, the race seemed so far away and now it’s knocking on our doors. It’s getting serious now. 😊

After 3 months of intense and serious practise (more or less) the second half of the training was much harder than expected. As the summer came, we went on holidays and leant back. Therefore, we were more relaxing than actually training – if you are not counting swimming in the pool and eating delicious food.

Team Physiotherapie Aufdenblatten
©Physiotherapie Aufdenblatten

However, after being back, we had to keep up with the practise and had to make up for the extra calories and the “not healthy – too much relaxing” vacation. We shortly after noticed, that our minds where more motivated than our bodies. Conclusion: Hello injuries ☹!

Sooner or later we found ourselves in a vicious circle: on one hand, we had to go on with our training plan and on the other we had to take care of our knees and other injuries. Thank you, Aufdenblatten Physiotherapy, for holding us together! It was really appreciated (still!).

With the one or other, then also the motivation broke down – not easy times…

To conclude, the second part was more of a mental strengthening and building up some muscles due to strength training than running training.

Last information for the preparation

For runners only

Next to the physical and mental preparation there are a few more things to keep an eye on:

  • Ultraks Plaza: Know where to start and finish the race and to celebrate your victory
    It would be a pity, if you don’t get your golden medal
Ultraks Plaza ©Matterhorn Ultraks

For supporters and spectators only:

  • Don’t ruin their mental training by giving them bad advices, such as run as fast as you can or run for your life

Impressions Matterhorn Ultraks Trail 2016 – check it out!

“We wish all the runners a successful race and lots of enjoyable moments on the trails”

See you at the finish line!

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